Coffee Types

From our coffee farmers in the East Manggarai

A vine with unripe coffee cherries
A vine with unripe coffee cherries
A vine with unripe coffee cherries
A vine with unripe coffee cherries
A vine with unripe coffee cherries

Typica (Kahawa)

This is the oldest Typica and is therefore very rare on the entire island. The trees are more than 40 years old, even up to 60. Only very few still produce fruit but it takes between 3 to 5 years. We were told that this variety yields a maximum of 150 kg of green coffee - on the whole island.

Typica (Juria)

This second oldest Arabica variety exists only in Colol, a larger region within the East Manggarai. Similar to Kahawa, the 30- to 50-year-old coffee trees bear fruit only every 3 to 5 years with a maximum yield of 1,500 kg.

Thanks to a Japanese actor who spent some time in Bali, this coffee variety has been presented and celebrated in Ubud, Bali, and Japan since 2013.

Currently the roasted bean is marketed in Ruteng, Flores Manggarai, for about 63 €/kg and in Bali and Jakarta for over 70 €/kg.

A coffee farmer harvests coffee cherries in the forest
A coffee farmer harvests coffee cherries in the forest
A coffee farmer harvests coffee cherries in the forest
A coffee farmer harvests coffee cherries in the forest
A coffee farmer harvests coffee cherries in the forest

Yellow Caturra

This variety came to Flores only in the 1940s. The coffee beans were secretly smuggled out of Tanah Toraja (Sulawesi), the smugglers passing the very strict Japanese occupation forces.

Since 2010 Yellow Caturra has been particularly celebrated in Indonesia. It is also grown in the gardens of our farmers.

Coffee cherries, Yellow Caturra
Coffee cherries, Yellow Caturra
Coffee cherries, Yellow Caturra
Coffee cherries, Yellow Caturra
Coffee cherries, Yellow Caturra
Coffee cherries, Yellow Caturra
Coffee cherries, Yellow Caturra
Coffee cherries, Yellow Caturra
Coffee cherries, Yellow Caturra
Coffee cherries, Yellow Caturra

Red Caturra

This variety is valued similarly to Yellow Caturra even though the available quantity is significantly less.

Arabica SL-795

This variety was introduced in Flores in the 1990s and is now the most widely grown Arabica variety on the island. However ours differs from all the others in Indonesia because our farmers graft compared to others in Flores and Indonesia, is the fact that our farmers graft this variety into old Robusta trees. The yield is particularly good.

Fine Robusta

In the 18th century the Dutch colonists demanded the increased cultivation of Robusta in the Manggarai. So there is a long history of and great knowledge in growing Robusta. In 2007, Robusta from the village Colol in Flores East Manggarai was rated as Fine Robusta at an international competition, among others by Dr. Manuel Diaz (Q-grader and coffee expert from Mexico). That grading is even more outstanding considering that the presented green coffee was already 2 years old.