How happy is the coffee farmer?

With us, the farmers themselves define the fair price for their high-quality goods. Finally, they can get out of the credit and loan spiral and become a happy giver or helper for other farmers themselves.

Their ambition is not to "be wealthy" at some point, but to generate annual income above the minimum wage. They experience this FIRST through the two-king principle.

The farmers are all SELF-SUFFICIENT, as they can grow, harvest and process all healthy FOOD (fruit, vegetables and to some extent rice and livestock meat) in their gardens. So they CAN live WELL with what God gives them through the annual garden yields.

Our farmers do not want to buy any more land in order to continue cultivating it and ensure additional coffee yields. They already have enough work with their entrusted gardens and are very grateful to God if they are allowed to define the fair price they are entitled to and sell their maximum yield to us at this price every year.

The minimum wage in the district of Ostmanggarai is about €130 per month (resp. 2,21 Mio. IDR/month). For comparison, in Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia, it is around 5,05 Mio. IDR resp. €297 (i.e. 2.3 times higher than our farmers, but with a much higher cost of living). Below you will find each farmer's calculated total income (sale according to the two king principle).

Top = English decimal notation
Bottom = Indonesian decimal notation

Nobertus Teming

Village Tangkul

has known Nicolas since his 2nd coffee trip to Flores, in October 2015. He is a responsible man who thinks of his fellow man and who cares about the well-being of the villagers, and that is why he has been volunteering in local politics for over 15 years. He uncovered a lot of injustice or corruption and did not shy away from the "consequences" insofar as he knew that he was walking the path of peace (not anarchy) together with the people.

He currently serves on the supervisory board within the village administration and resigned from the same resigned from the same position at ASNIKOM. Now he only holistically with us as God's coffee farmer for the KAFFEEkostBAR. He knows that a lot of educational work and corrections are necessary to improve the broken state of his village (among the people). He wants to walk the path with God and no longer by his own strength.

He won 1st prize for his fine robusta beans representing ASNIKOM when he first entered a competition in 2012. He cried out of gratitude to God that his Robusta beans received so much appreciation and thus also fetched a very high selling price in his eyes, something he could NEVER have dreamed of until then.

Mr. Teming's coffee plantations are located between 1,400 and 1,600 m above sea level and yield at least 600 kg of Arabica and 300 kg of Robusta beans. Like all other farmers in the village of Tangkul, the income from coffee sales goes primarily to the education of the children, but thanks to the direct connection to us, he can now internalise what is most important in life. We remain close to Mr Teming.

Total income - Status: 2024
~ 5,298 €/year = 415 €/month (several adults & young people)
~ 90 Mio. IDR/year = 7.5 Mio IDR/month

Benediktus Rudin

Village Tangkul

has known Nicolas since the beginning of 2015. As a founding member of ASNIKOM he is a quality controller and also a trainer, who educates other farmers, e.g. in knowing the best way to nurture coffee plants or having a holistic approach when it comes to coffee farming. He teaches them not just the theory but in very practical terms. At the beginning of 2023, he became the father figure in our initiative with our farmers - together with Nobertus Teming.

God used Mr. Rudin to help us „purify“ the Two-Kings-Principle in the beginning of  2023. ASNIKOM’s leading figures had abused our confidence in them throughout the years. Through Mr. Rudin’s efforts we were able to get together a small group of mature coffee farmers who are committed to deliver the highest quality of coffee.

Mr. Rudin’s plantation of approx. 2 ha produces 220 kg Arabica and 300 kg Robusta per year.

Total income - Status: 2024
~ 2,680 €/year = 223 €/month (3 adults & 2 children)
~ 45.56 Mio. IDR/year = 3.796 Mio. IDR/month

Rosalia Diam

Village Tangkul

often called Mama Tota, is a widow who is very talented in handicraft work and likes to pass on her knowledge and skills to other people. She looks after the coffee plantations left behind with her second youngest son.

She ALWAYS laughs very heartily and thus keeps her heart grateful to God despite suffering in life and tries to digest life's circumstances with humour. Her late husband was well respected in Tangkul village due to his craftsmanship and is now also greatly missed. Unfortunately, her son cannot continue his father's sideline as he does not have the talent for it. Instead, he has completed a bachelor's degree in agriculture and wants to use this knowledge to increase his mother's coffee yields.

Mama Tota owns plantations totaling about 2 ha and expects to an annual yield of at least 160 kg of Arabica and 200 kg of Robusta. Compared to the other farmers, it is really little, but she does not complain about it and definitely wants to increase the coming yield through diligence and prayers to Jesus Christ. We stand by Mama Tota!

Total income - Status: 2024
~ 1,868 €/year = 155 €/month (3 adults & 2 children)
~ 31.756 Mio. IDR/year = 2.646 Mio. IDR/month

Emilia Nandung

Village Tangkul

was the wife of Ardianus Basten, who passed away due to illness in the summer of 2023. He was a disciplined, quality-conscious coffee grower and was therefore grateful for the further training in the cultivation of his coffee gardens (1.25 ha, with an expected yield of 120 kg Arabica and 70 kg Robusta beans).

Thanks to Mr. Benediktus Rudin we got to know Mr. Basten and his wife Mr. Basten and his wife Emilia, because he was awakened during an awakened during an afternoon nap by Jesus Christ, who showed him in a dream that he needed a direct relationship with us in order to be able to sell his to be able to sell his best coffee to us.

Mr. Basten had 5 children and his first wife had unfortunately had already passed away due to illness. It was therefore God that for 5 years he and Emilia were able to bring up the surviving children, especially the youngest, as he is physically and mentally disabled. physically and mentally handicapped.

As a widow, Emilia Nandung now takes over the coffee the coffee gardens with the help of the other farmers. We support her wholeheartedly.

Total income - Status: 2024
~ 932 €/year = 78 €/month (1 adult & 2 children)
~ 15.844 Mio. IDR/year = 1.326 IDR/month

3 new coffee farmers have joined our extended KAFFEEkostBAR family, Lazarus Tundu, Marselus Roni and Marsel Mardin. The first one also lives in Tangkul village and the other 2 in other villages. They were all warmly welcomed by our existing coffee farmer families. So our community is growing (from the original 6, then to 4 because 2 dropped out, and now 3 more, for a total of 7 families).

Lazarus Tundu

Village Tangkul

owns 3.5 hectares of coffee forests, but can only supply us with 240 Arabica and 150 kg of Robusta beans.

One of his forests borders Benediktus Rudin's forest. With a grateful heart, he acknowledges Benediktus as his instructor, who explains to him the highest standards of gourmet coffee and teaches him all the practices involved.

He has recently added goats to his coffee plantation and therefore expects higher yields in the future.

Total income - Status: 2024
~ 2,108 €/year = 175 €/month (several adults & children)
~ 35.836 Mio. IDR/year = 2.986 Mio. IDR/month

Marselus Roni

Village Wejangmalih

Benediktus Rudin told him about our two-king principle and was very pleased when Nicolas visited him at home in early January 2024 and gratefully offered him his entire available Arabica crop for "honey" processing. We can now obtain 350 kg of Arabica and 50 kg of Robusta beans from him.

For more than 13 years, he has worked in the administration of the nearest small state hospital in Colol. After this work, he supports his wife in her daily work in the coffee forests.

Marselus is a coffee farmer with heart and soul and prefers to work in his forests rather than in the office. He has told Nicolas that if he can live the two-king principle, he will give up office work because he knows that our quality standards also require his full commitment. And that's what he wants to give

Total income - Status: July 2024
~ 2,161 €/year = 180 €/month (2 adults & 2 children)
~ 36.737 Mio. IDR/year = 3.06 Mio. IDR/month

Marsel Mardin

Village Ngkiong

Coffee Farmer, Marsel Mardin

Marsel Mardin

Village Ngkiong

and Maria Dolik are grateful coffee farmers from the village of Ngkiong - about a 35-minute moped ride from Tangkul. away by moped. They used to be members of ASNIKOM and know how to produce high-quality coffee.

Thanks to Benediktus Rudin, Maria Dolik's brother, Nicolas was able to visit this couple and other family members (5 other adults) in January 2024 and realized that they also wanted to live the Two Kings Principle.

With their 2.5 ha of coffee plantations, they want to provide us a yield of 1100 kg Arabica and 200 kg Robusta starting in 2024. The annual harvest proceeds will be shared among 7 family members, who have never experienced such high sales prices per kg have never experienced before.

Together we are also trying to realize the principle for this family, for this family, because they are setting a good example in their village, in their village, and they are the only one there.

Total income - Status: 2024
~ 7,734 €/year = 644 €/month (7 adults & their children)
~ 131.478 Mio. IDR/year = 10.95 Mio. IDR/month